Trust the Leftists Science about Guns?
Hell the Left does not even trust Their Own Science They spew, yet They expect You and I to? I think not and below is a simple Presentation of why I call BS on the Left's View on Banning Guns.
First off everything presented below will be simple Common Sense: A flower that no longer blooms in many Gardens due to the Society of Wokeness. This War on Guns began in earnest back in the early 70’s.
In My almost 60 Years upon This Rock We call Earth or Terra Firma I have been taught and learned many great Things from My Grandfather and My Father. Good solid Men in Their Times that are now long gone.
I was raised on the Second Amendment and all and everything about It and around It. Gun Safety, Maintenance, Precautions, Respect and more. I was raised in how Firearms work and how They do not work. I was raised to RESPECT Firearms and also to PROTECT Them.
There is a huge difference between a Fire Arms Owner and the normal Citizen. The Fire Arms Owner knows the absolute power contained with in the Weapon and respects It 100% The normal Citizen is usually not well educated in Fire Arms. It is a simple Fact of Life.
To the above Text in the Image I would also add Child, Women or They or Them to be Politically correct for the Left because This is Whom I am talking to here. I’m presenting 100% Common Sense to all reading. Nothing more and surely nothing less.
In My almost 60 Years now of being around Fire Arms in a wide variety of situations from Cleaning to Shooting to Maintaining to Loading to Unloading and yes even to Rebuilding I have seen a lot many might never see. Experiences and stories You bet I got Them as do untold Millions of Other Fire Arms Owners, Law Enforcement and Military Personnel.
Some very simple Science about Fire Arms of the Hand Held variety. All Fire Arms of any type are nothing but INANIMATE DEAD OBJECTS. Period. They cannot walk, talk or move of Their Own accord. They cannot speak, They cannot dance. They cannot do anything. They are just simply DEAD OBJECTS. This is just Simple Science #101 We learned in Grade School in Our earliest Science Classes.
In My almost 60 Years now I have NEVER seen a Hand Gun or a Rifle ever load Itself, cock It self, pull the Trigger Itself, load It’s Own Clip or Chamber or Cylinder or aim Itself or after all of that clean Itself and put Itself away. Have any of You reading here? If so WTF kind of Drugs were You on? That must have been some great Stuff!
Here is the Experiment for You Gun Ban Advocates if You choose to take the Experiment.
Take any Gun You or a Friend have. Remove all of the Bullets from the Clip or the Cylinder if a Revolver or the Internal Magazine if a Rifle and lay Them all out on the Table in Your Shop or Kitchen. Take the Bullets You removed from said Fire Arms and stand Them up next to said Fire Arm.
Now sit and watch for how ever long It takes for that Fire Arm in question to load Itself, activate It’s Own Firing Mechanism then aim, shoot, unload and then clean Itself and be back on the Table.
According to the Leftists pushing all Guns are bad This Fire Arm before You on the Table is a Murdering Machine all by Itself!! It needs no Human interaction at all! It is just a mindless Machine only hell bent on murdering innocent Lives! The Gun is out to get all of Us and We should listen to the Left and be scared out of Our Senses right?
Hold the Bus Gus WTF was that We learning in Our earliest Science Classes about Dead and Inanimate Objects? That is correct Karen! A Gun of any type CANNOT of Itself do anything of Itself! It MUST have HUMAN INTERACTION because simply. It is a Dead Object. It really is that simple!
According to the Left We don’t have a People Problem because The Gun is always at fault in all Cases no matter what. These Cases include: Mass Shootings, Robberies, Home Invasions,Car Jackings, All Murders, All Attempted Murders, All Law Enforcement Issues, All Wars and anything else the Left can blame on a Fire Arm They will vilanize a Dead and Inanimate Object that can do NOTHING with out Human Activation. This is the Scaremongering of the Left the LIES They tell that if repeated enough You will believe or You too will be vilanized!
Only with a Human Hand operated by the Human Mind can any Fire Arm be activated and utilized to create the functionality of the Fire Arm in question to actually operate. This is simple truth and even simpler Science.
The Left denies the Human Factor in This ongoing Gun Issue! The Left and all of the Left Supporters 100% deny We as a Society have a Human Issue because then the Left would have to question Themselves and Their Own Ethics and Morals They live by.
Ladies and Gentlemen. They’s and Them’s and Children of all ages reading This: WE DO NOT HAVE A GUN PROBLEM!
What We have is a Human Problem in full denial of It’s Own fragility and misconceived notions of Right and Wrong.
We have a Human Problem in the Left Camp that refuses to recognize Mental Illness in It’s Own Ranks and calls It good and mature and normal.
We have a Human Problem on the Left that pushes It’s Own warped Science upon a Society Who will eat at any Trough as long as It smells right yet not realizing They are being poisoned.
What We have is a Human Problem on the Left with no true Common Sense but only the Run and Flee Syndrome dragging unsuspecting Others into the same Hell They Themselves rush off into with out thinking.
We have a Human Problem on the Left with a serious lack of any Education about Fire Arms as a whole!
We have a Human Problem on the Left with Government Officials on the Left Who refuse to prosecute and keep away from the General Public hardened Criminals!
We have a Human Problem on the Left with Government by the Left closing Mental Health Facilities instead of expanding Services.
We have a Human Problem on the Left with the Left thinking We should not be locking up Those with Grave Mental Health Issues.
We have a Human Problem on the Left with Doctors Who only know to keep prescribing more Dangerous and Deadly Psychotropic Medications hoping to get a better result but still ending in FAILURE in the long run in far to many Cases!
We have a Human Problem on the Left with the Government by the Left Who allow Those with Grave Mental Health Issues to continually slip through the Cracks!
We have a Human Problem o9n the Left with Mental Health Workers Who far to often WILL NOT report Their Own Clients to Local Law Enforcement when These Workers know Their Clients have Grave Issues!
What We have is a Human Problem on the Left with the Left Who would rather put all of the blame on Dead and Inanimate Objects than addressing the Human Issues that face all of Us Daily mainly the grave Issues of Mental Health in Our Society and the lack of care!
Oh but hey can send how many Billions to Ukraine yet NOT care for Our Own People suffering here at Home? Imagine how much good all of Those Billions could do for Our Mental Health System here at Home.
If anybody tries to tell You We have a Gun Issue just remember This Presentation here and utilize It plus Your Own feelings in educating the Person Who claims We have a Gun Issue with out taking care of the Human Mental Health Issue first and foremost!
Till next Time I feel the need to write.
Find Me on Truth Social, Gettr, GAB and Other Social Media Outlets Daily dropping Red Pills.
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