There are People out There Who want to remove Your Right to Self Defense
More on the Second Amendment. Shall Not Be Infringed!
So People are wanting People with Guns to take away Guns from People Who Own Guns.
Now explain to all of Us reading how that is going to work out for You IF Our Government decides to go Rogue and strip all of You of any Rights You think You might have?
What will You do then when Your Own Government can out gun You?
This is why Our Forefathers took the time to write the Second Amendment as simply as They could.
Remember They just kicked the British in a bloody War to hold This Nation for all of Us Today. They shot the British for trying to take away Their Rights of Self Defense.
So many reading This I know have probably NEVER really studied History in depth of why each Amendment to Our Constitution was written as It was. I do invite all to take the Time to educate Yourselves.
There are 700 Million Guns in the Ownership of Law abiding Americans. There is plausibly 3 Times that Number in Ammunition for Those 700 Million Legally Owned Firearms.
Legal Gun Owners are not the problem.
Hearts and minds of the Mentally Ill are the problem.
If You think You are going to take away or restrict the Rights of a Man or Woman to protect Their Family You really should consider what a Rogue Government could do to Your Family if You too cannot protect Yourself because the Government out guns You.
I sincerely don't care if You like Guns or You do not like Guns. I'm not trying to change Your Mind. That is NOT My job. Just think of what lengths You will go to in protecting the Life and Liberty of Your Own Family. That is what This subject is all about.
The liberty in protecting Your Family no matter what.
Now explain to all of Us reading how that is going to work out for You IF Our Government decides to go Rogue and strip all of You of any Rights You think You might have?
What will You do then when Your Own Government can out gun You?
This is why Our Forefathers took the time to write the Second Amendment as simply as They could.
Remember They just kicked the British in a bloody War to hold This Nation for all of Us Today. They shot the British for trying to take away Their Rights of Self Defense.
So many reading This I know have probably NEVER really studied History in depth of why each Amendment to Our Constitution was written as It was. I do invite all to take the Time to educate Yourselves.
There are 700 Million Guns in the Ownership of Law abiding Americans. There is plausibly 3 Times that Number in Ammunition for Those 700 Million Legally Owned Firearms.
Legal Gun Owners are not the problem.
Hearts and minds of the Mentally Ill are the problem.
If You think You are going to take away or restrict the Rights of a Man or Woman to protect Their Family You really should consider what a Rogue Government could do to Your Family if You too cannot protect Yourself because the Government out guns You.
I sincerely don't care if You like Guns or You do not like Guns. I'm not trying to change Your Mind. That is NOT My job. Just think of what lengths You will go to in protecting the Life and Liberty of Your Own Family. That is what This subject is all about.
The liberty in protecting Your Family no matter what.