We really do need a Flat Tax in Our Nation. A Flat Tax that is fair across the Board for any and all living in Our Nation no matter Their Income Level. A Flat Tax for any and all Citizens living or working with in Our Borders.
A Flat Tax locked in at 10%.
A Flat Tax with NO Exemptions. No Strings. No Exclusions. No BS.
The ONLY EXCLUSIONS I would think We can all agree with is all Legal Citizens over the age of 65 on Social Security Income or if a Legal Citizen of the United States on Social Security Disability be EXEMPT due to Their Income Restrictions and Hardships They already face. Other Protected Classes of Legal Citizens could come under the Exclusion Clause too BUT would be required to perform a Community Service of 80 Hours per Month. I’m not a Lawyer as that is for the Constitutional Lawyers to draft.
A Flat Tax that is very easy to understand with out Millions of Lines of Code.
A Tax Code that is honest in how It works.
A Tax Code You would pay Quarterly to make It easier to manage.
A Tax Code that truly starts at the bottom by We The People and regulates Everybody up the Chain of Government.
A Flat Tax that DOES NOT require a lot of different Forms either.
How much Government Fat, over spending and more could be saved by implementing all of the above?
The answer is untold Trillions over Time.
It would also push City, County, State and Federal to live within a Balanced Budget not out of Their Income. Remember This Flat Tax is locked in.
All of Us live within a Budget no matter Our Income Levels. So why shouldn’t We The People make all Government above Us also live within a Budget? It is only fair right?
We The People are the rightful Masters over Those in Government We have elected into Office to work for Us! We are NOT Their Tax Slaves!
How would You feel about only being Taxed on Your Income and NOTHING else?! Seriously. Think about It.
Reconcile all of the above.
Imagine no more Other Taxes. Seriously. NO OTHER TAXES. Yes It is possible where You could have a Flat Tax created so You only pay on Your Income Quarterly.
No Vehicle, Property, School or any Taxes on what You purchase. Think about that. Yes It is realistic.
I’m sure at This Point many of You are scratching Your Heads and asking Yourselves “how could It ever work?” Quite easily really but Everybody from Poor to Rich and all in between MUST want It to work.
I have not been able to post in This Format about This before but I have chatted with many in Real Life and Online and They agreed It can work if People would work Together to make It work.
You ask where does It start? It starts with Us: yes We The People demanding change through the Instruments located in Our Constitution. That involves a Single Item Issue working with a Article 5 Constitutional Convention. The Main reason It must go through a Article 5 Constitutional Convention is simply because Our Leaders hate Us all, want to keep Us as Tax Slaves and will not do This 10% Flat Tax Initiative on Their Own thus Our Founding Fathers left Us The Article 5 Constitutional Convention as a Nuclear Option to bring Our Government back under control of We The People.
Here is how It begins. This is Trickle Up Tax Paying.
Remember You only are going to be paying Your 10% Taxes every Quarter. It is all on You to Budget as You normally do.
Here is how It starts at the bottom of the Tax Chain:
Whether You live in a City or You live in the County of the State You reside in You will only pay Your 10% Tax to That Entity.
Read that again. You will only pay Your Tax to the Entity You live within whether that be a City You would only pay There or if You live in the County You only pay There. Simple Right. You just made Your City or County live with in Their Income.
The next Step in the Process is Your City would then take 10% of Everything It just took in of the 10% Flat Tax and push that 10% to the County the City resides in. Are You following Me here?
The next Step is the County You live within take 10% of all It collected and then pushed 10% of all of that Income to the State.
Reconcile all of the above.
The next Step is each State takes 10% of all They bring in of the 10% Flat Tax collected and pushes that to the Federal Treasury quarterly.
Now think about all of the above. Reconcile.
Think about how much Money You would still have in Your Account.
Think about how much Money Your City would have in It’s Coffers.
Think about how much Money Your County would have in It’s Coffers.
Think about how much Money Your State would have in It’s Coffers.
Think about holding all of Government from the top to the Bottom to live within Their Budgets once and for all time!
Yes It can be a reality if Everybody reading This would share This Presentation across the Internet and into the Media and share to each Article 5 Constitutional Convention Committee in Every State in Our Nation. We The People have The Power for change if We The People stand up as One Voice and use That Power fairly for all of Us in Our Nation but People must want to stand up.
Yes I will not delude You there are barriers sadly. The biggest One is not understanding that EVERYONE pays Their 10% EQUALLY per Their Income.
Let Me reason with You here because This is really simple I’m hoping not too simple for some but I’m afraid It could be.
If a Rich Man has the Income of say $5 Million per Quarter. Ok do the Math what is 10% of $5 Million. That He would either be paying into the City or County where His Residence Is located. He would only pay His 10% Fair Tax like anybody else on His Income.
If a Poor Man only makes say $5 Thousand a Quarter. Ok do the Math what is 10% of $5 Thousand. That He would either be paying into the City or County where His Residence Is located. He would only pay His 10% Fair Tax like anybody else on His Income.
If a Business only makes say $20 Million a Quarter. Ok do the Math what is 10% of $20 Million. That They would either be paying into the City or County where Their Business Is located. They would only pay Their 10% Fair Tax like anybody else on Their Income. No the Business’ Income does NOT go to Corporate Office because the Business in question is working with in a City or County Boundaries. The Corporate Headquarters would have to readjust Itself to the Tax Code. If the Corporate Office were to acquire Income It too is subject the Flat Tax of 10% to be paid to the the City or County It resides in.
The ONLY THING Taxed is Your Income. Nothing else!
The Object of the 10% Flat Tax is to cut out ALL of the Corporate and Private Loop Holes in the Tax Schedule We are forced under now that only benefit the Government,It’s Lobbyists and not We The People!
Another Issue with This Plan is Greed. Yes simple Human Greed that Somebody will still get cheated or Somebody not paying enough. People need to wake up to the simple Fact Greed is what has given Us the Tax Schedule We have Today. Greed by Politicians in Government at all Levels that has given Us a Government spending 100% out of control.
Well I think I have stated enough Fact with This Presentation.
This next Part is ip to You to get This out to the Public by any means possible through sharing across Social Media to Email to any and all News Media Outlets to Emailing Your Government Representatives from City to County to State to Federal encouraging Them to read This Presentation and in turn to keep sharing with Others of Like Mind.
Personally I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of being a Tax Slave to a Government out of control of We The People. How sick and tired must You become before You stand up?
If We do not do something soon We will not have a Republic by We the People but will be under a Totalitarian Dictatorship by the Globalists.
We must take a stand while We still can. This is just One Venue of standing up.
Will You stand up Today by beginning to explain and share This Presentation with Others? It is only a Click of the Mouse or Keypad to begin sharing This Today.