Learning to Walk Away from the Walk Away Movement.
Sometimes We must walk into the brouhaha to really experience what the brouhaha is all about.
First off I joined the Walk Away Movement like so many Others to move away from establishment Politics. Untold Millions have as well since the beginnings of Walk Away. What I found in the begging was a nice cordial Movement of like minded People all of Us wanting better in Politics in Our Nation than what We had been getting.
I joined Their Discussion Groups via Facebook but found serious Over Moderation of all New Threads and submitted Comments on Threads. It was like It was Their Ideology You must fall in Line with or You were not allowed to Comment at all. I was like WTFlip?? I thought the Movement was about more Freedoms for We The People from the oppressive Establishment BS We were striving to escape. Nope just more of the same.
I asked Many in the Movement Who were marked as Leadership that since We were walking away just where were We walking away to? All I got were Crickets. MMMmmm imagine that. No direction? WTFlip are We walking away from then if We are only walking away to wonder aimlessly? WTFlip huh? This was in the beginning so yes I just walked away like plausibly so many Other Patriots did after a really disappointing awakening. There was NO direction of travel to be had.
Fast Forward to Today 2030. Brandon Straka Who seems to be a genuine kinda Guy pops up on Truth Social My Home Social Media Platform talking about His new App and the New Website and I an like Cool Let’s Check This Out.
So I head on up to the Website and create an Account like anybody else under My Anon Name, check out the Basic Guidelines and join the Discussion Group and My State Group. Pretty nice so far and many of You know Me out There in Social Media as Somebody Who posts News We can Really Use across a wide variety of Social Media Platforms. Hey there are a lot of Us just trying to get the News out to You The People Who might not see These Articles We share Daily. That is what Anons do. We help keep You informed.
Ok so I begin like I normally do with a few Drops into the Discussions Group per Their very simple Guides.
Here is a example of One of Those Simple Guides in the beginning.
The above grew into This attached:
This grew in Time to a huge Cluster of a Pluck with the Admin in Question adding more to This Guideline as the more I posted Daily. What She was doing was creating the Guides as She went along to I feel not only harass but to CENSOR My Submissions to which She REMOVED Numerous Threads just because She did not like Them for One Reason or another and pointing at One of the Guidelines.The Latter is a LEFTIST Tactic We are all to familiar with aren’t We? Like Facebook and Twitter making up Rules as They went along.
About the removal of My Threads. This is where It gets pathetic IMHO. The Admin in Question.
Tries to tell Me that Walk Away does not allow any Donation Links to be posted openly on Their Platform. Ok that is cool which I had NOT or EVER posted a Donation Link on the Discussion Group nor the Website Itself. I had only posted News Links from the same exact News Sites I post across Daily which numbers 20 Plus with NO ISSUES from Platform Admins or Moderators or Site/Platform Owners.
Then This same Admin goes off trying to tell Me that I is the Website Itself These Donation Links are on. Uhhh like how in the hell is Anybody able to control what is posted on a Website They do not Own or Admin over and unless You have been living under a Rock all of Your Life EVERY WEBSITE These Days has a Donation Link somewhere!
That is how They keep the Lights on! Duuhh!
By the Guideline on the Walk Away Platform then NO WEBSITE should be allowed to be posted on the Platform including Their Own begging Donations to keep the Lights on. Show Me a News Site These Days that does not have a Donation Button somewhere.
This Admin was and does make up Her Own interpretation of the Guides as She goes along! I kid You not! I have no reason too. At the end of This Blog Post I will see if I can add every Screen Shot I saved of all of These Incidents with This Admin.
Here is another instance of stupidity. Hash Tagging. As We all know Hash Tagging is a Web Platform Internal Tool to group Like Threads or Subjects together. They do not point outside of a closed Platform but remain as Internal Links inside of the closed Platform. This is Another of the Guides This Admin made up as She went along which I tried My best to educate Her about.
Also This Admin would not come Chat with Me via the PM System nor the Internal Chat System and I only found out My Threads had been removed via the Notification System with NO RECORD or Screen Shot of the Threads She had removed. I had to go back to another Platform and compare what I had There to what was not on the Walk Away Platform. I have Screen Shots of My Threads beginning 3 26 2023 when Things began to get stupid. I have Screen Shots of This Admin and the Notifications too. You should ALWAYS have a Hot Button for Screen Shots on the fly!
Well Today It came to head so to say I am now BANNED on the Walk Away Platform under This Identification. So TODAY with that being the Case I am WALKING AWAY FROM THE WALK AWAY MOVEMENT.
For the Record THIS DOES NOT FALL ON Brandon Straka in any way shape or form. I personally feel Brandon’s Feelings and Ideals are sincere. No It is Those under Him creating New or Modifying Guides as They go along to suit Their Personal Agenda and not that of the Group as a whole. We see this in Dictatorships Globally. Make up the Guides or Rules as They go along because They do not agree with the People They are supposed to listen to and help along the way; It is very common as We even see from Our Own Governments from City to County to Stare to Federal.
Yes They are a Private Website. Yes They can make Their Rules as They go along. Yes They have the Right to remove People They do not agree with. Yes It is all in Black and White on Their Website “Use At Your Own Risk” but is all of that really productive to Patriots looking for a 100% Free Speech Platform to practice Their Freedom Of Speech upon unimpeded? Not for This Patriot and untold Millions of Others I am sure or the Walk Away Platform would be bigger that Twitter or Others by now wouldn’t It?
Once again I do not blame Brandon Straka One bit. Nope, not no way. It is the One seriously uneducated Admin imaged above Whom is under Brandon Straka Who has NO BUSINESS being in that Position.
Brandon best of luck with all You do but Your Admin is 100% out of control by making up Rules and Guides as She sees fit going along.That One Thing will NOT help Your Movement nor Your Website grow guaranteed.
hank You for reminding Me why I walked Away from Walk Away in the the beginning. Nobody wants to be part of a Dictatorship Censorship of any kind. That is exactly why Twitter and Facebook are dying. Over Moderation and Admins or Moderators making up Their Own ideal Utopian Rules and Guides as They go along. I sincerely wish any Web Platform that does the latter a speedy and timely death. We get enough of that crap from Our Government do You really think We The People want It online too?
I could easily join with a New Email but They are NOT worth My Time any longer.
So Today I WALK AWAY from Walk Away.