You do realize Criminals do not care about all of Your Gun Laws or Gun Law Proposals.
You do realize Criminals do not care about all of Your Gun Laws or Gun Law Proposals.
You can create all of the Gun Laws You want but the Criminals will only be laughing at You.
Criminals have no Moral or Ethical Code of Life. That is why They do not care about all of Your Gun Laws.
You do know Criminals read Social Media too right? Don't You think They see all of Your Posts screaming for more Gun Laws or Regime Changes and These same Criminals laugh and laugh at You.
Think about That.
A wise Man once stated "The only way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is more Good People on the Streets with Guns. Out Number the Bad Guys 10 or even 100 To 1 or 1k to 1 and watch Crime drop.
Law Enforcement cannot be by Your Side 24/7/365. It is impossible.
Only You can protect Yourself 24/7/365.
Go out This next Week and sign up for a Certified Hand Gun Training Class. The Cost is minimal These Days and the education You will receive will last You a Lifetime.
Responsible Gun Ownership is the ONLY WAY We can secure Our Nation from Crime on the Streets.
Our Politicians sure do not seem to want to do They?
Be responsible and do not be the next Victim.